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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

When Helios is assigned to the Badlands to field test a new sensor system an unexpected journey puts the crew in danger and opens the door to discovery.

Mission Description

USS Helios has been assigned to support the Starfleet Corps of Engineers as a platform for an experimental new sensor system, KINetick NETwork IdentifiCation Apparatus  (KINETICA). Whilst testing the new system the ship is caught by surprise by the opening of a spatial anomoly and thrust across the galaxy.

Dragged into the Underspace, can Helios find its way home? And who will they encounter on the way.

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About the Mission

USS Helios
In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

30 June 2024

Flashes (pt. 5)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

The water barely moved this far from the large continent-spanning estuary, algae covered pools of cloudy liquid gathered around the base of the tall rust-coloured reeds; the placed mirror surface reflecting the distant glimmers of pinprick lights billions of miles in a sickly reflection of the [...]

29 June 2024

I'll Be Marco... (pt.4)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

“Marco… Marco…” Circe whispered beneath her breath, dipping the nose of her Valkyrie beneath a large portion of metallic debris. The remnant of an unknown interstellar starship spun idly on the solar winds, its once tan hull now bleached a pale yellow by the continuous bombardment of high [...]

26 June 2024

I Stared into the Void (pt 3.5)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

The sand is warm as it squeezes between my toes, each grain a tiny silicon cell of heat creating a golden hot plate that stretches off into the distance as far as the eye can see, east and west. Baked in the afternoon sun, it hums with a pleasurable warmth, the temperature barely tolerable as I’m [...]

24 June 2024

Difficult to Swallow (pt.3)

USS Helios: Echoes in the Weeds

Bib paused his spork a few inches from his lips, the thick tomato sauce slowly coalescing beneath a large meatball, its weight creating a bulbous drip that threatened to fall back into the almost empty tray. “Sit rep please.” He instructed the assembled staff, who looked back from the ring of [...]