Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

Deep Space 19

Give Me Your Tired

Refugees arrive from the other side of the galaxy and begin making high demands.

Mission Description

After dealing with the Remans joining the colony on Kovar, the crew of Deep Space 19 thought they could catch their breath. But then, out of nowhere, an expected aperture to underspace opens up near the station, and a badly damaged ship barely makes it through. The crew rushes to help the newcomers, but their friendly welcome is met with rude and entitled behaviour from the refugees. As tensions rise and the newcomers’ demands escalate, the crew’s patience is pushed to its limits, turning what seemed like a routine rescue into a challenging and contentious situation.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date
End Date

30 June 2024

Give Me Your Tired - 8

Deep Space 19: Give Me Your Tired

Though early in the day, Levy felt quite excited about what was happening that day. An old friend of the station was visiting, and it was a nice distraction from the events of the last two days. The sudden arrival of the Caatati had been unexpected; what the station’s crew had achieved in the [...]

29 June 2024

Give Me Your Tired - 7

Deep Space 19: Give Me Your Tired

Vice Admiral Jaret sat behind her desk, her brow furrowed with concern, as Doctor Parin passed her the PADD. “How is he?” Jaret checked, her voice filled with genuine worry before she looked at the device now in her hands.  Parin wobbled his head from side to side, a small smile playing on [...]

23 June 2024

Give Me Your Tired - 6

Deep Space 19: Give Me Your Tired

“We’ve got a couple of patients who insisted on coming to the bridge,” Taf declared as she walked through the port hatch after the door opened. Her voice was tinged with her usual sense of cheekiness as her presence placed the attention on the bridge on her.   Horin, standing on the [...]

22 June 2024

Give Me Your Tired - 5

Deep Space 19: Give Me Your Tired

Feeling a mix of anticipation and caution, the away team quickly checked their surroundings after materialising in an empty but cramped storage room. Taf, her heart pounding, had her tricorder out and was flooded with relief to see that they had found a place to use to sneak in [...]