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Part of Bravo Fleet: Labyrinth

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 – Undiscovered and Alone

The USS Dragonfly finds itself pulled into an aperture with a connection to Underspace, thrown into the unknown.

Mission Description

An aperture opens, flinging the USS Dragonfly to an unknown part of space. The crew works to understand the why, the how, and the where – all while mysterious signals and readings echo off the sensors of the Obena class starship.  What is circling them?  What lies just beyond what they can see through a flickering view screen?  How will they find their way back home?

The crew must work together to solve the minor and major obstacles – challenges, mechanical and scientific.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

20 June 2024

UAA 005 – Together

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“So we’re farther out than we thought.”  Captain Leopold Halsey muttered as he sat at Dragonfly’s observation lounge table.  Captain Walton and her senior staff filled the remaining tables.  The report from the Thasaz about their location and situation had just [...]

18 June 2024

UAA 004 – What I Become

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“Shit.  Shit.  Oh shit.”  Cadet Lita Morrison had escaped to her quarters and was pacing her bedroom.  She was going to be presenting to the captain within the hour.  Captain Wren Walton.  Morrison had done her homework in selecting the Dragonfly for her cadet [...]

17 June 2024

UAA 003 – Questions and Answers

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“Every scenario ended in system destruction.”  Thasaz sat at the briefing room table as she walked the senior staff through her latest report. The holographic display at the front of the room displayed each run with red letters confirming the failure.  “We’re still missing [...]

16 June 2024

UAA 002 – Investigating the Irregular

USS Dragonfly: Mission 2 - Undiscovered and Alone

“There, that there!”  One of the science ensigns pointed at the main holo display screen in the center of the science department office as Thasaz froze the sensor reading.  He stood and walked up to the three-dimensional reading, “This looks familiar – in the Academy, we studied [...]