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USS Republic: Secrets and Celebrations

With a birthday just around the corner, celebrations must be had. Now just to ensure the birthday boy doesn't find out.

Mission Description

Captain MacIntyre’s birthday is just around the corner and Doctor Pisani has decided this year proper celebrations are in order. Mac’s plan is a quiet night in, Blake’s is a full-on party, so of course the plans must be kept a secret. But a big party doesn’t happen on its own and help must be recruited.

What’s a little lighthearted conspiracy amongst friends?

About the Mission

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14 June 2024

Secrets and Celebrations - 6

USS Republic: Secrets and Celebrations

“Oh, my place tonight huh?” Mac asked as the door to his quarters swished shut behind him, isolating him and his guest from the madness that was the rest of the ship. As he usually found her when she’d invited herself in, Blake was stretched out on the couch, feet hanging over one end, head [...]

12 June 2024

Secrets and Celebrations - 5

USS Republic: Secrets and Celebrations

“This is a bad plan,” Willow complained, looking over the padds before her. “Seriously, we’re on distraction duty and this is the best we can come up with?” Willow had been summoned by Lieutenant Lake to the Pnyx about an hour ago to fulfil their part of Doctor Pisani’s crazy surprise [...]

10 June 2024

Secrets and Celebrations - 4

USS Republic: Secrets and Celebrations

Stepping through the threshold to the Pnyx, Republic’s senior officer lounge, Trid could count the number of officers present on one hand. One mauled hand at that. Of course, she’d need a separate hand to count the number of enlisted personnel present as well. Just the hand, no need for [...]

4 June 2024

Secrets and Celebrations - 3

USS Republic: Secrets and Celebrations

The fit of laughter drowning out the cries of multiple alarms wasn’t helping at all. “Oh shut up,” Sidda barked over her shoulder as she righted the runabout Paralus on its course and waited for the numerous alarms to silence themselves. Once they were free of any possibility of colliding [...]