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USS Luna: When God Is Angry

The USS Luna responds to a natural disaster.

Mission Description

The USS Luna responds to a natural disaster.

About the Mission

USS Luna
Total Stories
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End Date

28 April 2024

When Winning Is Beyond Us

USS Luna: When God Is Angry

—- Arboretum, USS Luna —-   Commander Olivia Carrillo nodded sadly at her Captain as the other woman approached. Captain Adriana Cruz had just finished reporting to Starfleet and neither woman was particularly satisfied with the way their mission had gone even though they’d been sent on [...]

28 April 2024

The Interview: Gunboat Diplomacy

USS Luna: When God Is Angry

—- Kradashian City, Kradashian IV —-   The Starfleet historian smiled reassuringly at the captain of the USS Luna, who was without her ship and was being thrust into an unfamiliar situation. He was unsure of how well she was going to do at this, press handling was not in her background and [...]

27 April 2024

Time of Exploration and Adventure

USS Luna: When God Is Angry

—- USS Luna, First Officer’s Office —-   Though she rightfully could use the Ready Room just off the bridge, Commander Olivia Carrillo found it easier to keep using her own office down the hall slightly. Her files were there, and everything felt a little more familiar. Her door chimed [...]

25 April 2024


USS Luna: When God Is Angry

—- USS USS Del Rey Oaks —   The Starfleet officers moved in unison. Protected by the hard environment of space by skin hugging environmental suits and helmets they held at the ready phaser rifles as the swept through the USS Del Rey Oaks, a California-class ship that had clearly been [...]