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USS Columbia: Beyond Borders

The Columbia heads to the Cardassian border for what should be some simple away missions!

Mission Description

The USS Columbia welcomes a group of Cardassian exchange officers aboard for a training program aimed at fostering better relations between the Federation and the Cardassian Union. Ensigns are paired with Cardassian counterparts, leading to a series of cultural clashes and misunderstandings, while undertaking a range of away missions.

Away Mission 1: On a cultural exchange journey, visiting various planets in the former DMZ, a group of ensigns and their Cardassian counterparts experience each other’s traditions and customs. Along the way, they learn to appreciate the richness of their respective cultures while forging a deeper bond.

Away Mission 2: A runabout mission to the McAllister C-5 Nebula, sees a joint Starfleet-Cardassian team sent to map and explore an area of the nebula. While there ‘something’ goes wrong, forcing the two sides to work even closer together to survive.

Away Mission 3: The Columbia has been assigned to the Chin’toka scrapyard to recover a number of derelicts. Starfleet and Central Command do not want these key derelicts to fall into the hands of the Maquis or the True Way. Joint away teams board a range of abandoned ships from the Dominion War. They are to recover anything that is valuable, otherwise, they are to prepare to destroy the derelicts.

About the Mission

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17 June 2024

Old Tech, New Foe

USS Columbia: Beyond Borders

Sonia stepped into the transporter room, the helmet of her EVA suit tucked under her arm, as she waited for Gil Droc to arrive before they continued work about the wrecks from the Dominion war. Setting down the helmet on the transporter pad she couldn’t help but fidget, “Why are these so [...]

13 June 2024

A Gift

USS Columbia: Beyond Borders

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Sunrise Splashes

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“Mission leader’s log, supplemental, after encountering extreme graviton pulses in the McAllister C-5 Nebula, which forced us to eject our warp core, we have landed on a small Class O moon in the Paeko star system near the Setlik system. Though the Chawla has sustained heavy damage, everyone [...]

21 May 2024

Breaking Bread

USS Columbia: Beyond Borders

Matthys straightened the corner edge of the rather bohemian-appearing tablecloth, working out the last of the wrinkles. He stood back with his hands on his hips and nodded in agreement to himself. They were several days into their journey on the Chawla as a team and for some reason still unknown to [...]