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USS Arcturus: All Hands, Bury the Dead

Dispatched to investigate the total destruction of a new outpost on the Federation-Cardassian border, Arcturus finds itself at an inflection point for both powers while facing the heavy burden of laying their fallen comrades to rest.

Mission Description

Dispatched to investigate the total destruction of a new outpost on the Federation-Cardassian border, Arcturus finds itself at an inflection point for both powers while facing the heavy burden of laying their fallen comrades to rest.

Note: This mission is considered Fleet Canon.

About the Mission

In Progress
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Start Date

12 March 2024

03. Physician Heal Thyself

USS Arcturus: All Hands, Bury the Dead

In 2385, Luca Sheppard was a second-year nursing student at Starfleet Academy. Right at the end of his second year, the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards were destroyed by the rogue synth attack and Mars was set ablaze. Sheppard and his fellow cadets were pressed into emergency service as orderlies as [...]

12 March 2024

02. Breaking Point

USS Arcturus: All Hands, Bury the Dead

Arcturus held her position at the outer edge of the debris field left from the ill-fated Outpost C-91, a brand-new station that had been shattered into a hundred thousand fragments alongside the starships Rocinante and McCoy over a week prior. A remote border post, C-91 had been intended to make [...]

12 March 2024

01. Fleet Captain's Log

USS Arcturus: All Hands, Bury the Dead

Fleet Captain Michael Lancaster’s Personal Log, Stardate 2401.8 During my time in command of Arcturus, I have been remarkably lucky. Through numerous battles, I have only lost seventeen crew members. Given our average crew levels reaching up to 2,500, this is a casualty rate of only 0.68%, which [...]