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USS Republic: Die a Hero…

Threats of an older era rise up, bringing old and new problems to the Thomar Expanse and catching Republic in the mix.

Mission Description

You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…

Threats of an older era rise up, bringing old and new problems to the Thomar Expanse and catching Republic in the mix.

About the Mission

Total Stories
Start Date

17 April 2024

Die a Hero... - 7

USS Republic: Die a Hero...

The flaw with the automatic alerts aboard Republic was there was no automated announcement for ‘Escaped prisoners’. More precisely, there was no unique notification for such an event. And so at 0300hr ship time, the alert that went out was instead a much more automatic response inducing [...]

11 April 2024

Die a Hero... - 6

USS Republic: Die a Hero...

Dinner was long gone at this stage and dessert was rapidly becoming a memory as well, empty plates set across the table telling of a meal well had. But conversation and good drinks had replaced such mundane sustenance for the pair of couples nestled into the booth at the far end of the Pynx from [...]

6 April 2024

Die a Hero... - 5

USS Republic: Die a Hero...

“I don’t believe you.” Cat Saez, Republic’s fighter squadron leader, had made her way to the bridge to check on a few mundane details and most importantly stick her beak into the affairs of the bridge officers. She hadn’t expected to stumble into a conversation between a collection of [...]

29 March 2024

Die a Hero... - 4

USS Republic: Die a Hero...

As Mac finished reading the padd in hand, he could feel the scowl on his face deepening as he looked up at the two officers who had brought it to him. Lieutenant Commanders Lake and Malcolm, done with their examination of the Madeleine had brought their findings directly and expediently to his [...]