USS Oroville (Archive)

Into the Unknown

On their maiden voyage into the Gamma Quadrant, the USS Oroville encounter their first diplomatic challenges with an enigmatic alien species.

Mission Description

As the USS Oroville ventures into the Gamma Quadrant they make contact with an enigmatic alien species, the Stakoron. Captain Daniel Ramirez and his crew must navigate cultural differences and unexpected challenges to establish peaceful relations and lay the groundwork for future exploration.

About the Mission

In Progress
Total Stories
Start Date

9 May 2024

Chapter 4: A New Horizon

USS Oroville: Into the Unknown

With the containment field successfully deployed around the alien object on Stakoron II, the crew of the USS Oroville moves into the next phase of their mission. The atmosphere aboard the ship is one of cautious optimism. The initial victory has brought the crew and the Stakoron closer, laying the [...]

16 April 2024

Chapter 3: Unraveling the Unknown

USS Oroville: Into the Unknown

Back aboard the USS Oroville, the atmosphere is one of controlled urgency. Commander Daniel Ramirez oversees the ship’s resources being marshaled to analyze the data and samples collected from the alien object on Stakoron II. The collaboration between the Starfleet crew and the Stakoron [...]

12 March 2024

Chapter 2: Echoes of the Unknown

USS Oroville: Into the Unknown

As the USS Oroville maintains a steady orbit around Stakoron II, Commander Ramirez and his team prepare for their descent to the planet’s surface. In the shuttle bay, a brief discussion unfolds, highlighting the choice to use the shuttle over the transporter.Lt Cmdr Sarah Bennett reviews the data [...]

8 March 2024

Chapter 1: Thresholds of the Unknown

USS Oroville: Into the Unknown

Captain’s Log, Stardate 78176.4: The USS Oroville embarks on a mission to explore uncharted territory, seeking out new life and new civilizations in the spirit of peace, knowledge, and the principles of the Federation. As we stand at the precipice of the unknown, our resolve is tested, but our [...]