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Winners of As Time Goes By…Phase 2

September 2, 2020


Once again we had a great turn out of entries for Phase 2 of our fleet wide event: ‘As Time Goes By…’

A big thank you to everyone who entered but here are the winners, again the judges had some tough choices to make. Another round of amazing entries!

Tales From The Captain’s Table – Part 2

Winner: N/A

Judges comments: Unfortunately no-one entered this event. What a shame!

Just another page in history – Jigsaw

Winner: Leah

2nd place: Steve Brown

3rd place: Peridot Rose

Let’s finish what we started – Quiz

Winner: trumpetmaster29

2nd place: Steve Brown

3rd place: Leah

The Borg, the Son’a, the Romulans. You get all of the easy assignments – Infobase Article Creations

Winner: OneTrekMind

Judges comments: Even thought it was the only entry to this competition, OneTrekMind’s article on a TOS species was exactly  the type of thing we were looking for. It is a great article and one we definitely endorse in being submitted to the BF Infobase as canon for our community. We do hope there are more Argelians in Bravo Fleet!

The line must be drawn here! This far, no further! – Log Entry Writing

Winner: OneTrekMind

2nd place: Dave P

3rd place: Callaghan

Judges comments: We thoroughly enjoyed reading all of the log entries that were sent in, but we felt these three stood out for their originality, their description of a different’s character’s perspective on a canon event and making the whole entry appear realistic. Well done to everyone!

Who am I to argue with the captain of the Enterprise? – Quiz

Winner: JEBryson325

2nd place: trumpetmaster29

3rd place: OneTrekMind


A final congratulations to all of our winners for this phase and we hope everyone enjoys Phase 3 just as much! Don’t forget you have until September 12th, 2020 to get your submissions in and remember to enter every single one as you maybe the only one who enters and wins by default!!!