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Weekly Awards Recognition – August 5, 2017

August 5, 2017

On behalf of the Hall of Honour, I am privileged to announce the following awards:

Dedication Citation – 1 Year
Adam Miller (FCapt. Mark Davis, USS Redguard)

Medal of Collaboration
Lieutenant Hunter Berrin, USS Ajax
Submitted Text: “Fallon is an incredible player, one who is totally devoted to the sims he joins. He often rises above the call of duty to keep sims afloat, whether they are his own, or under someone else’s command. Fallon is a pleasure to work and write with.”

Captain Garridan Rismore, USS Jericho
Submitted Text: “Since my arrival in Bravo Fleet in 2012, I have seen JP in many arenas. JP himself is always the same person, an excellent writer, an exemplary Commanding Officer, and one of the most creative individuals I’ve ever met. If anyone deserves this award, it is JP.”

Crew of the USS Black Hawk
On behalf of their Captain: “When I brought the sim out of the mothballs nearly four years ago, I could not have expected what I have experienced since then. Every day, I cannot wait to see what comes next from this fine crew, nor can I wait to write more stories with these excellent writers. Thank you all for everything, and for the strange new worlds that await us.”

Writing Proficiency
Captain Garridan Rismore, USS Jericho
Commander Thiago Teixeira, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant Commander Terry Walsh, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant Commander Jayla Kij, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant David Moreau, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant Joey Corwin, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant JG Felix Langston, USS Black Hawk

Congratulations to all!