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Update from the Chief of Staff and January 2020 Competition Winners!

February 6, 2020

Hello! And may I begin by saying what an honour and delight it is to assume the office of the Bravo Fleet Chief of Staff. This is a great opportunity to give more to the Fleet and build on everything we’ve developed these past 20 years, and I’m looking forward to it greatly.

As such, it gives me great pleasure for my first act to be to reveal the results of the January 2020 Jigsaw Competition. It was great to see people come and participate in a simple, but fun game, and I hope we will see both more of these and more participation in the future. Not every competition needs to be a grand, time-consuming work of art, and it’s a lot of fun to give everyone a chance for a good-natured contest. So without further ado, your winners, with the fastest completion times!

First Place

Capierno, completion time 4:31

Second Place

DIZZYG1970, completion time 4:58

Third Place

Annwn, completion time 5:22

Huge congratulations to the winners!

The Hall of Honour has been an often-underused resource. A lot of people forget it exists, or underestimate its importance. I’m eager, as Chief of Staff, to change this. It’s a great way for a GM to reward a player for good work, or for a member to thank someone else for doing them a kindness, or for anyone to uplift a fellow they think deserving of recognition.

While there will likely be more news coming out of the Hall of Honour in the future as we examine our current options, there’s still more to be done. While it might be terribly gauche for someone to recommend themselves for a merit award, the Hall of Honour includes other awards, such as the Dedication Awards for time as a member of the Fleet, or the Legions of Honour, for the numbers of posts submitted. Members are encouraged to nominate themselves for these, notifying the Hall of Honour staff of their eligibility with appropriate proof. While I accept that some of us have been members for a long time with countless hours of writing lost, in the interests of fairness I will only be awarding Legions of Honour for post counts that can be proven, though they do not have to all be on the same game! There will be plenty of chances to earn these merit badges now rather than be worried about your reward for posts you wrote 15 years ago. You can help us, and yourselves, by sending in your nominations for these.

I look forward to us working together to lift this Fleet and its members up going forward.