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September 2016 Awards

October 24, 2016

The Hall of Honour, along with the Task Force Commanding Officers, are pleased to announce the following recipients of our monthly awards.

Players of the Month

Task Force 9
Lieutenant JG Tehja Oldan, Chief of Tactical / Security, USS Jericho
From her Captain: “We have been role-playing together for many, many years and I can always count on her to help me push through some difficult and slow posts. She certainly helped in this regard with our most recent post in the Jericho. I value her greatly on all of my ships. She’s a great writer who is very knowledgeable about Star Trek.”
Task Force 38
Lt. Commander Janey Glyndar, USS Hammersley
Janet Glyndar has been an invaluable asset to the Hammersley, assisting the CO in the role of Acting XO and has helped implement many changes and mission ideas that are helping move things along.

Task Force 72
No nomination this month.

Task Force 93
Lieutenant Caradan Eundias, Chief Engineer, USS Tornado
Lt. Eundias has more than proven himself an excellent writer with his creation of Caradan, a Founder/Changeling who has joined the United Federation of Planets and gone through Starfleet Academy. Writing a shape shifter can be challenging as you face more than the discrimination in character of certain crew members, but sometimes even the scrutiny of fellow writers out of character who are curious what you can do with a member of a species that nearly brought the Federation to its knees. We are blessed to have Brad and his character in Task Force 93.

Task Force 99
Ensign Solok, Armory Officer, NX Endeavour
Ensign Solok replies to posts promptly and really wants to be involved in the many facets of everyday life on the ship. He has really come a long way since first joining the ship several months ago.

Simulations of the Month

Task Force 9
USS Black Hawk
Recognized for their fervent activity and incredible writing, a fine example of the strong writing throughout Task Force 9 as a whole.

Task Force 38
No nomination this month.

Task Force 72
No nomination this month.

Task Force 93
USS Venture
They are, and have been for some time, one of the top sims in TF93. They are always extremely active and a shining example for the task force as a whole.

Task Force 99
ISS Vanguard
Nominated for being an in-depth sim with a creative setting, namely the Mirror Universe, and for having a rich history and having shown longevity as a sim.

Congratulations to all those recognized!