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Pursuing A New Canon

July 25, 2017

With the Consortium reduced to a relatively minor group it is time for Task Force 9 to pursue a new canon. As some of you may know the concept for a new canon has been in the works and in recent months the Task Force Senior Staff, in consultation with the Bravo Fleet Command Council have been working on a draft proposal. This proposal serves to outline where we envision the canon as going, but as with all things the canon belongs just as much to the Commanding Officers and members of Task Force 9 as anyone else.

It is for this purpose that we will be forming two committees. One committee will be focused on a general overarching exploration canon culminating in the discovery of a previously unknown foe, that threatens the very fabric of the Gamma Quadrant and perhaps even the galaxy at large. A second committee will focus on the general expansion of the Federation inside the Gamma Quadrant following the fend of Jenkata.

Initially these committees will be opened to just the Commanding Officers of Task Force 9. At some point in the near future members from Task Force 9 will also be invited to participate. It is our hope that by opening up these committees at the early stage of canon development we may be able to transform them into long-term institutions that can serve to enrich the Task Force and its story.

I will personally be chairing the first committee, JamesG will be chairing the second committee. COs, and members later on, will not have to choose and can be part of both.