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Operations Office Report #31 – Staffing Update

February 10, 2024

Hello Bravo Fleet!

Today the Operations Office announces some updates to our staff. 

Task Force 17 Staff Changes

TheZ, aka Commander Khim Samnang, is undergoing some serious real life timesink and will be unable to continue as Task Force 17’s Commanding Officer at this time. After exactly four months in post, we are very grateful for TheZ’s time and work in Task Force 17. They worked extremely hard learning the ropes under David’s guidance and have mentored their successor well. We wish TheZ all the best with their health and hope they can return to us soon!

Succeeding them will be Commander Callen Varro, better known as Hurkxion. I am certain the members of Task Force 17 will feel safe in Hurkxion’s hands and his ever-amazing animated GIFs hyping them up! The Operations Office will continue to support him in his efforts in his new role!

Task Force 72 Staff Changes

After almost eleven months as a Task Force Senior Staffer, Captain Geronimo Fontana has stepped down today as Task Force 72’s Commanding Officer. Aaron has served Task Force 72 extremely well for almost a year. He has engaged many of our members in a range of activities. We are not losing Aaron; he is still staying in Bravo Fleet and working on another major project behind the scenes. Watch this space for further updates. I want to thank Aaron for his time in this role and wish him all the best with his new project. 

In the meantime, Commander Edward O’Gallagher (aka V’Lelk) and I have discussed Task Force 72’s future, and we both agree that nothing can stop the mighty diplomatic lot. As V’Lelk has only been in the role of Task Force Executive Officer for only a month, I didn’t want to throw him in the deep end (yet!!), so I will be stepping into the role of Task Force Commanding Officer for the interim. I am very excited to join the Task Force 72 lot as this is one of the few Task Forces I’ve not had the honour and privilege of getting to know in this role. I have covered Task Forces 17, 86 and 93, so I am very much looking forward to being with the 72’ers for a while (watch out, 47 – you’re next!!). 

Task Force 93 Staff Changes

Unfortunately, Lieutenant Commander Cole Shepard was unable to continue as Task Force 93’s Executive Officer. Alas, the search for a new TFXO has started again. See below for more details.

New Task Force Executive Officers Wanted! Apply Within!

Owing to these changes and others with their priorities, we are now looking for possible future Task Force Executive Officer candidates. So, if you are interested, we are opening up our application processes today! Our last round of applications was successful in most of our Task Forces, and we are looking for people who understand that becoming a Task Force Executive Officer means you are a Task Force Commanding Officer in the making! We want Task Force Executive Officers for 17 and 93 (and for the near future in 72). 

As I always share, the following is what we are looking for in possible TFXO candidates: 

Task Force Executive Officers (TFXOs) are the deputy leaders of the Task Forces. They share the responsibility for developing a sense of camaraderie in their units, organising competitions, and helping members navigate the rank system by nominating the appropriate OCS rewards for their activity. They are also members of Bravo Fleet Command, where they have a voice in the overall direction of the fleet. Subordinate to the Bravo Fleet Operations Officer, they work in partnership with their TFCOs to ensure consistent opportunities for members to get involved across the fleet. TFXOs must also be exemplars of activity by demonstrating at least moderately strong activity levels and participating conscientiously on Discord. Generally speaking, a member should be at least a Lieutenant Commander to apply to this position, demonstrating familiarity with Bravo Fleet. Previous staff experience is not required.

We are looking for candidates who have the time to take on these roles. They will be the type of people who want to give back to our community and ensure our members have a great time. In return, we can provide you with training and support to understand your new role. We can provide you with a friendly, supportive team on the BFC that works closely together to strive to provide the best Star Trek community experience on the internet.

If this is right up your market, please apply or contact me via Discord. If you have previously applied before and would like to discuss your last application for further feedback, please do get in touch. 

We are keen to appoint suitable candidates as soon as possible, so we will announce them the moment candidates have been considered.