Operations Office Report #1 – Updates, New TF47CO, and TFXOs Wanted

August 14, 2024

Hello, Bravo Fleet. As evident by the recent announcement, quite a bit has changed recently. If you missed it, you can check it out here. First, I would like to thank Fleet Admiral Luke Duncan (MJ) for all his hard work and dedication as Bravo Fleet Operations Officer and wish him the best in his new role as Bravo Fleet Logistics Officer. I look forward to working closely with each of the Task Force Staff as I take over the reins of Bravo Fleet Operations Officer and can’t wait to see what the rest of the year has in store.

New Task Force 47 Commanding Officer

I want to take this time to thank Commodore Alexandria Sudari-Kravchik (McGig) for his dedication and leadership during his tenure as Task Force 47’s Commanding Officer. Because of his commitment, Task Force 47 has remained a staple within Bravo Fleet. I wish him all the best in his new Bravo Fleet Science Officer position. 

Without further delay, I am pleased to announce that Captain Varen Wyll (Greyimage), who has been Task Force 47 Executive Officer for the past eight months, will succeed McGig as Task Force 47’s new Commanding Officer. Congratulations on your appointment; I am excited to see 47 continue to flourish.

Task Force 93

Because of so many changes in the TF staff of recent, I will be remaining as Task Force 93 Commanding Officer until further notice. This will be an interim situation until new staff can be hired and trained. However, this allows us to keep a strong foundation for the task forces in the meantime.

Task Force Executive Officers Needed

As mentioned in the previous announcement, we are looking for two new Task Force Executive Officers to join Operations. If you are interested in becoming a TFXO, please fill out the application, which you can find here. Applications will be accepted until August 30th.

What it means to be a Task Force Executive Officer

Task Force Executive Officers (TFXOs) are the deputy leaders of the Task Forces. They share the responsibility for developing a sense of camaraderie in their units, organizing competitions, and helping members navigate the rank system by nominating the appropriate OCS rewards for their activity. They are also members of Bravo Fleet Command, where they have a voice in the overall direction of the fleet. Subordinate to the Bravo Fleet Operations Officer, they work in partnership with their TFCOs to ensure consistent opportunities for members to get involved across the fleet. TFXOs must also be exemplars of activity by demonstrating at least moderately strong activity levels and participating conscientiously on Discord. Generally speaking, a member should be at least a Lieutenant Commander to apply to this position, demonstrating familiarity with Bravo Fleet. Previous staff experience is not required.


We are looking for candidates who have the time to take on these roles. They will be the type of people who want to give back to our community and ensure our members have a great time. In return, we can provide you with training and support to understand your new role. We can provide you with a friendly, supportive team on the BFC that works closely together to strive to provide the best Star Trek community experience on the internet.