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Operational Report – TF25 – December 2019

January 16, 2020

Hello Bravo Fleet!

It’s the first full month of operation for Task Force 25, and it has thus far been a stellar one!

The USS Turing has been established as the flagship and HQ of the Task Force. This will be run as a fiction, to help really immerse the Task Force in the type of stories we expect it to tell. The introductory story is already live, and you can read it here: Black Holes and Revelations.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Task Force has begun the process of introducing either teasers of or full-on references to The Reliquary into their plots, to be able to use it as a bouncing point to go explore the rest of the galaxy. It can’t be overstated that the options here are limitless. With a non-geographically locked Task Force, the entire galaxy is at our beck and call!

In addition to the few sims the Task Force launched with, we’ve had 2 additional ones open this month as well, in the midst of all the holiday madness!

  • The USS Excalibur run by our very own BFXO, Emily, is going to be staging the stories of the ship in the general area directly surrounding the Reliquary, to start, and we’re excited to see what she brings to the table! (Also she’s in a pretty sweet new ship!)
  • Hawkeye Island, one of Bravo Fleet’s most recognized games, run by CaptainD, has joind TF25 as well. We’re excited to see what the GM and players come up with, and the stories they write.

And that’s pretty much all I have for this month! It’s a new Task Force, soon to be a new era of Trek on television, new canon to chew on, and I’m very excited to see what all of this brings.




RAdm Irene Hatch

TF25 Commanding Officer