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October 2016 Awards

November 26, 2016

The Hall of Honour, along with the Task Force Commanding Officers, are pleased to announce the following recipients of our monthly awards.

Players of the Month

Task Force 9
Ensign Georoni Mykol, Chief Science Officer, USS Nogura
In the words of his CO: “David joined us this month and took the opportunity to jump into the plot at the very first opportunity. Since then, he hasn’t looked back. He is posting with others and on his own, he tried to save the Captain’s symbiont before it died and he has been in regular contact with myself about how he can help the sim. A very welcome addition indeed!”

Task Force 38
Commander Paul Toddman, Chief Operations Officer, USS Arizona
His enthusiasm has translated to the second highest posting numbers, aside from the ship’s Commanding Officer, and he has engaged with each and every member of the crew that he could.

Task Force 72
No nomination this month.

Task Force 93
Lieutenant JG Gillian Carter, Chief Medical Officer, USS Excalibur
Over the last couple of months, Loraine has been a big part of the medical team, taking over when the last Chief Medical Officer stopped posting and since then, Loraine has really taken it in her strides the leadership that exemplifies what a senior officer should be both in character and out of character.

Task Force 99
Ensign Robyn Maxwell, Medical Officer, USS Hyerdahl
Robyn is nominated for player of the month for her assistance with OOC sim duties, her interesting, well written and in-depth and expertise as a medical officer. She her presence is an invaluable contribution to the sim.

Simulations of the Month

Task Force 9
USS Vindex
From the first day it was clear the Vindex was a sim with great potential. However, unlike many other sims that saw early activity die down quickly, the Vindex has managed to transform the early rush into a sustained acitivity. The Vindex is regularly at the top of the charts in both quality and quantity and is proving itself an exemplary sim.

Task Force 38
USS Boise
The Boise is a young, but incredibly strong simulation, which we can’t wait to see more of in the coming months.

Task Force 72
No nomination this month.

Task Force 93
USS Tornado
With 20 some members at any given time, this starship shows no sign of slowing and is a leading example of what Bravo Fleet could and should be. Though sometimes real life claims a member of two, a new face is usually followed by several more joining the crew.

Task Force 99
USS New Hampshire
They have doubled their post count from the previous month, added a new member, and are moving forward with their mission.

Congratulations to all those recognized!