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October 2015 Simulations of the Month

November 20, 2015

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following simulations on being awarded the Simulation of the Month award for October 2015. The Simulation of the Month (of a Task Force) is awarded to a simulation for its contribution to the Task Force canon, activity, quality, number of players and others. All simulations in a Task Force are automatically considered for this award however nominations are sought from fellow CO’s. It is awarded by the Hall of Honour on behalf of the TFCO, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simulations in our community on being named October 2015 Simulations of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki and we will look into doing some nice banners to allow you to show off your award.

You can congratulate the winners in the Hall of Honour’s thread which can be found here

Task Force 9 Simulation of the Month – USS Blackhawk (TFCO Nomination)
The Black Hawk has consistently pushed out good and enjoyable story, both the CO and crew are highly active and exemplary examples of what BF stands for.

Task Force 38 Simulation of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Simulation of the Month – USS Tesla (TFCO Nomination)
I’m going to nominate the USS Tesla this month, since there was very little coming through from my CO’s. The USS Tesla has really impressed me this month not just with their interesting storyline but also with the fact that a month ago, we were having issues with getting the Tesla up to speed with anything, there was very little interest in people joining, however, the Commanding Officer there has worked really hard this month and earlier months to really make a good impression to people in the fleet and that is evident in their posts that are very detailed and worth a read as well as their ongoing commitment to build on their storyline. I have been very impressed with the USS Tesla and hope to see more and more from them in the future.

Task Force 93 Simulation of the Month – No Nominatin

Task Force 99 Simulation of the Month – No Nomination