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October 2015 Players of the Month

November 20, 2015

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following players on being awarded the Player of the Month award for October 2015. The Player of the Month (of a Task Force) has shown superior roleplaying ability for the past month. They are nominated by their respective CO upon which the award is issued on behalf of the TFCO by the Hall of Honour, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simmers in our community on being named October 2015 Players of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki.

You can congratulate these fine players in our Hall of Honours thread, which can be found here

Task Force 9 Player of the Month – Lieutenant David Stross Jr, USS Jericho
Shannon, who plays Lt. David Stross Jr. is everything that a person could want from and XO and a player. He has stepped up in every post that he’s in and makes sure to reply to said posts in a timely manner. Without him, things would be even slower than they currently are.

Task Force 38 Player of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Player of the Month – Commander Alexander Zandusky, Deep Space 7
I am nominating Commander Alexander Zandusky, Executive Officer of Deep Space 7 this month. Over the last month, Gordon has worked really hard as a Number 1 to really push Deep Space 7 along and to make new members welcome, old members feel even more welcome and really pushed a sense of friendship and teamwork across the simulation. He has taken our simm core values to heart and has made them part of everything that he does as part of his service to the simulation and that is evident in the increase in membership for the simulation from where it was earlier. I also have found Gordon a good and kind person to work with and he took acting command of the simulation during my absence and did so with amazing skill and grace.

Task Force 93 Player of the Month – Lieutenant Commander Yidam Sulani, USS Venture
Although relatively new to Venture and very busy in personal life, Cassandra has done a great job bringing Yidam to life. Her posts are always of very high quality and you can tell she puts a lot of thought into development. Her bio is also very thorough, detailed and very immersive. In addition she’s always been a great sounding board for ideas of where to take the simm, even before she joined

Task Force 99 Player of the Month – No Nomination