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November 2016 Awards

December 24, 2016

It’s overdue for yet another month, and there is no one to blame but your resident Community Relations Officer. To paraphrase Monty Python, “No one expects the Holiday Influenza!” Now that I’m at least back at a keyboard, it’s time for the awards!

Task Force 9

PotM: Ambassador Survek, USS Nogura
In the words of his CO: Thom, aka Ambassador Survek. A sneaky character with a plan to cause chaos. I cant wait to see how the plot develops when we bring in the True Way.

SotM: No nomination this month.

Task Force 38

No nominations this month.

Task Force 72

PotM: Brigadier General Paul Potter, Task Force Executive Officer
BGEN Potter (Moss) has been essential in getting the new TFCO settled into Task Force 72. He has been working tirelessly on writing ideas, canon ideas, etc down to help with the growth of Task Force 72.

SotM: No nomination this month.

Task Force 93

PotM: Sublieutenant Varuh, IRW Imperiax
He was really proactive this month in advancing his own personal storyline and he helped us achieve our goal for posts in November by contributing to a total of six posts.

SotM: USS Excalibur
They are new to Bravo Fleet, having started late in September but after two short months, they are starting to look like they’ll be a fine addition to the fleet.

Task Force 99

PotM: Lieutenant Alex Rho, USS Triumphant
He has brought his character to life both on and off duty and he is seeking to advance the story and help others out with both his PC and NPC.

SotM: USS Devonshire
The sim amazingly became active in the same month it changed from a Fiction to a full Sim. The crew is already energized and the first mission is moving forward.

To those who are recognized, congratulations! Happy Holidays to all!