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November 2015 Simulations of the Month

December 20, 2015

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following simulations on being awarded the Simulation of the Month award for November 2015. The Simulation of the Month (of a Task Force) is awarded to a simulation for its contribution to the Task Force canon, activity, quality, number of players and others. All simulations in a Task Force are automatically considered for this award however nominations are sought from fellow CO’s. It is awarded by the Hall of Honour on behalf of the TFCO, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simulations in our community on being named November 2015 Simulations of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki and we will look into doing some nice banners to allow you to show off your award.

Task Force 9 Simulation of the Month – USS Nogura (TFCO Nomination)
The USS Nogura, commanded by Captain Nilani Azulas, is the most recent addition to Task Force 9 but also a great one. From the moment it joined the sim has consistently kept up producing high quality and enjoyable to read content.

Task Force 38 Simulation of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Simulation of the Month – USS Vanguard (TFCO Nomination)
I’m going to nominate the USS Vanguard for the award. They might be a new simulation but in the last month; they have really worked hard to get up and running. They are working very well together and the Commanding Officer is doing a good job, they already have some great posts and their site looks amazing. I look forward to seeing more from the Vanguard.

Task Force 93 Simulation of the Month – IRV Imperiax, Astraeus Group
In November 2012, the IRV Imperiax debarked T’Rehu Station on its maiden voyage after being reactivated on an impossible schedule by a ragtag crew following the Hobus disaster. Of the six writers that authored that first Flight of the Imperiax, four of them are still writing on the sim three years later. This is a testament to J.P., the Commanding Officer of the Imperiax, and the crew, all of whom have come together to tell a story that has spanned the modern canon of Task Force 93. Their task has not been easy: they’re telling the story of an alien sim; they’ve had to deal with many shifts in leadership and even an abrupt shift in the canon; and they’ve had to do it all behind the closed borders of the Empire, often left to their own devices. Yet, even through all these challenges, they’ve succeeded and thrived. It is thus only fitting that, on the third anniversary of the completion of its first mission, I nominate the IRV Imperiax as the Task Force 93 Sim of the Month.

Task Force 99 Simulation of the Month – Starbase 400, Alternate Division
Task Force 99 awards Starbase 400 with our Simulation of the Month Award. Starbase 400 has shown themselves to be a fantastic role model for the rest of the Task Force. They’ve done a fantastic job creating a unique and exciting sim that attracts many different Trek fans. They have a well designed site that is easy to navigate and has interesting features as well as some promotional items. They’ve also been kind enough to create a banner exchange for both the Task Force and the fleet to use!