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New Task Force Staff

September 3, 2023

Hello Bravo Fleet!

After recent changes in Task Force 86’s senior staff, the Operations Office is pleased to report we have some new members joining Bravo Fleet Command. These members applied in our last recruitment effort for new Task Force Executive Officers, so we are happy to see that they are still eager to help us continue the great work that takes place to make Bravo Fleet so awesome!

New Task Force 86 Commanding Officer

Returning to the Golden Tridents is someone who has held the position before and is keen to take Task Force 86 forward again. We are pleased to share that Captain Ryoko Takato (aka RaWolfe) will be the new Task Force 86 Commanding Officer.

New Task Force 86 Executive Officer

Joining RaWolfe as the new Task Force 86 Executive Officer will be Captain Keith Anderson, better known as womprataa/Cromwell on Discord.

New Task Force 47 Executive Officer

With RaWolfe moving back to Task Force 86, his successor in Task Force 47 as its new Executive Officer will be Captain Kr’Antren (aka Sean).

We wish everyone in their new roles all the best as they take on their new duties and responsibilities!