Hello members of Bravo Fleet!
First and foremost, I’d like to thank everyone for their patience while I was on LOA due to having the coronavirus. It was not a fun week and a half experience for me and I certainly wouldn’t wish it upon anyone. Also a huge shout out to BF Command for keeping the trains running as if nothing had happened. Big shout to everyone for a job well done.
With that, the coronavirus has swallowed yet another active BFA member whole. Thrace, the TFCO of TF93, informed the rest of the BFA last week that he would no longer be able to continue on as TFCO. Thrace has been with us since the reformation of the fleet and was one of our most involved and active TFCOs. However, his RL job has him hammered in his day to day life with very little free time left for Bravo Fleet things. This has been something we’ve seen quite a few times now already in our staff where coronavirus has impacted staffers available time in ways no one would’ve expected. Thrace hung on for as long as he could, but in the end, RL will always come first. We wish him the best and hope that once his time clears up a bit that he’s right back with us!
To replace him, the BFA has confirmed Leah, the TFXO of 93. Leah has served as the TFXO of 93 for a little while now as well as jointly serving as the head of Starbase Bravo’s new member initiative. As part of Starbase Bravo, Leah has done an excellent job acclimating new people to Bravo Fleet, answering their questions, and getting people involved in the fleet. Leah has also been invaluable in a lot of different projects throughout the fleet. To say the least, this is a well-earned step up! Please congratulate Leah on her new position, and welcome back to the BFA!