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New OCS Staff – Competitions Manager!

September 11, 2020

You like competitions? You like the fiendish quizzes or the fun puzzles or the engaging writing challenges? We know you do! That’s why the Office of the Chief of Staff opened up its doors to find a new staff member dedicated to the management of competitions. I’d like you all to congratulate Callaghan, who will be joining my staff and taking on this responsibility.

If you want to run a competition but need some advice, or if you just want to know more, please do get in touch with them. They’re here to guide and here to help. I’m optimistic that with Callaghan in the role we’ll see more competitions – from the OCS, from Task Forces, even from keen members (remember, any of you can do this and contribute to the fun). Whether it’s what competitions are, how you get involved, what makes a good game, or any of that. The OCS team is now more robust and ready to help out.

Congratulations again, Callaghan, and I look forward to working with you.