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New Gaming Officer!

November 21, 2020

Another sad transition today as we have another staff member stepping down due to real lifetime commitments. Peridot, who has been our Gaming Officer for quite a while now, informed me this morning that they’d be stepping down due to an on-going RL time crunch. Peridot had been upfront about these RL time commitments for a while, and we wish them the best of luck in navigating through that, and as well as a huge thank you for ushering in many of the gaming initiatives we have in Bravo Fleet today.

To step up as the new Gaming Officer, the BFA quickly discussed and confirmed the Deputy Gaming Officer, FG! FG has been back in the fleet for a while now and a staple within the Gaming Office. He’s no stranger to the BFA as a former BFCO, and has been leading a lot of outreach to our members on what they like and want out of our gaming department (World of Warships, anyone?). So please congratulate FG, and drinks are on him!