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New Gaming Command Adjutant, Plus STO News

July 11, 2020

Hello, everyone! Here’s some news from the desk of the Gaming Office.

First of all, we have a new CA for Gaming activities. UnknownParticipant will be helping with the day-to-day activities of the Gaming Office, especially where Star Trek Online is concerned. Related to that, Bravo Fleet will soon have a KDF-based fleet available for any STO players to join. That means that KDF TFOs will be eligible for Strategic Action Ribbons as soon as the fleet is established, and, more importantly, that there will be a community available to hang out with on the KDF.

As an additional reminder, in my previous news post, I listed some plans for expansion for gaming activities. If you are interested in playing games in community nights with other fleet members, please fill out the surveys linked in that post.