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Introductions & Plans from the BF Gaming Department

July 4, 2020

Happy Independence Day to those who celebrate it!

The short version – Hi, my name’s Peridot. Please scroll down to find links to two short surveys to gauge interest in community game nights and competitive game nights.

The long version – Well…

My name is Peridot Rose. Consider this post an introduction from me, as well as a small outline of some of the plans I have for BF’s gaming activities. I’ve now been the Bravo Fleet Gaming Officer for around a month, as you probably saw from the news article when I was added. Since I am, as was said in that article, pretty new to BF, I decided it would be best to hold off on introductions until I had a handle on the job and was prepared to say something other than “Hi, I’m here now.”

So, instead of just saying that, I’m going to outline what we’re looking at doing and the ideas I’ve had to add more (and more varied) gaming activities for people to participate in.

Star Trek Online

STO is the foundation of what I’m handling, at the moment. It’s a fun game, and, obviously, very neatly fits into BF’s wheelhouse. With the recent changes to the game, adding the new, updated Klingon content, several people have expressed interest in branching off into another fleet, this time on the Klingon side. The plan as of right now, while subject to change, is to make our own BF fleet on the KDF side, and to eventually, if interest permits, join up with Stonewall in a new armada, similar to the setup we currently have with them in the Federation faction.

Community Game Nights

One of my other ideas, which a few people have expressed interest in, is doing community game nights for friendly party games. Things such as Jackbox games and similar low-stakes goofy party games, which people would get ribbons for participating in.

Here you’ll find a quick, single-question survey. If you’re interested in these game nights, please fill it out. It should only take a few seconds, and that will show me whether or not there is sufficient interest for me to pursue this.

Competitive Game Nights

Finally, I am interested in putting together friendly competitions for the community to participate in. I have personally done gaming in organized competitions in the past, and it continues to be something I really enjoy. For now, I am looking at single player-versus-player games. My current wheelhouse lies primarily in fighting games, personally, so the first things on my mind were games like Skullgirls, Dragon Ball FighterZ, and Them’s Fightin’ Herds. I understand those games are complicated and not as accessible as other genres, however, and I am completely open to things like strategy games, shooters, and so on.

I’m looking at 1v1 games mostly because, as of right now, I think our gaming branch is small enough that getting teams together for a DotA 2 or League of Legends-type of game, or even a team-based competitive shooter, is going to be difficult or potentially impossible. I am one hundred percent open to the idea of getting enough people together to play team-based games, however, whether the format is a single game or a tournament of some kind.

As far as the rewards for these tournaments, I’m thinking of treating them similar to the competitions BF holds – Some kind of award that everyone gets for participating, then the top 3 players get a gold, silver, and bronze reward, respectively.

Here’s another quick, single-question survey! Please fill it out if you’re at all interested in friendly competitive games with your fellow BF members.

Additional Ideas and Information

Gaming is, obviously, a pretty large space. So I’m working on finding ways for us to all play together and get awarded for it. There are ideas being tossed around at the moment including “Any two BF members play a game together, and they both get some kind of reward for doing so as long as they report it.” I’m looking into how that could be handled, and will inform you once I have information on that.

If this all works out the way I’d like it to, I’ll open up the potential for another gaming officer, who can assist with getting awards handed out, with organizing competitions and community nights, and so on.

All that aside, if you have any ideas you think would be useful, I ask that you bring them forward to me. My Discord inbox (Peridot#1025) is always open, and I’m in the Bravo Fleet Discord server, so a ping in the #gaming channel in there is an easy way to get in touch with me. I’m happy to listen to any questions, comments, or concerns and I’ll do my best to answer them.

Don’t forget to fill out those surveys if you’re interested in the game nights mentioned above, and I hope you all have a wonderful holiday.