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New 72CO and 93XO!

November 7, 2020

Hello all! I just wanted to give a quick update on a few staffing changes in the fleet.

The first is I’d like to congratulate Leah on her new appointment as 93XO! Leah has been a steadfast member of Bravo Fleet for a long time and knows the ins and outs of our organization, so she has been a no brainer for the 93XO position. Leah will maintain her position also running Starbase Bravo, but given how apt she is at that, I have no doubt that 93XO will also be a breeze for her! Look for some good stuff to be coming out of 93 from Thrace and Leah!

Another staffing update is that I would like to congratulate Mark M on his promotion to the 72CO position! With all of the streamlining and changes that we made to the TFCO slot recently to ease the burden on TFCOs, we then went to each TFCO to see who would want to remain a TFCO, and who may have some interests that are really elsewhere in our new reality. One of those was Chris who was very forthcoming that his passion was probably more attuned to working in the Loremaster’s Office than it was as a TFCO. With that, he decided to step down and move over to Lore where he will be helping out full time there. Chris was an excellent TFCO, and is a great storyteller and lore driver so I’m really excited he’s moving to the Lore office! In turn, Mark has been involved in 72 for quite a while now, and recently rewrote a really good article on the Cardassians. Not only that, but he’s a former BFCO! So suffice it to say, Mark has the chops to run 72 and we look forward to working with him! Congratulations!

Lastly, for similar reasons, 38CO Mark also submitted his resignation to realign his positioning with his interests more closely. Right now, BF Command is deciding what to do and we expect an announcement on that in the coming days. There are a few options going forward and we want to make sure, as always, we’re positioning Bravo Fleet for the best in the long term.