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May Monthly Awards

June 19, 2017

This month there have been a lot of changes to the way the awards system within Bravo Fleet will operate. As approved by the BFA the following changes will be taking place within the Hall of Honour Program:

  • Sim of the Month will be getting an overhaul. Firstly there will be a Fleet Level Sim of the Month which will be selected from those nominated by each of the five Task Forces.
  • Second; A BFA Level award will be created to allow for BFA member’s games to be recognized.

This was adopted in response to feedback from among the community that BFA Member Sims seemed to be awarded more than other sims. We hope that this will encourage more fairness with these awards.

With that said I will now move on to this months “of the month” awards.

Task Force Sim of the Month:
TF9: USS Jericho
Many have enjoyed reading their stories over the past couple of months and we look forward to seeing more from them in the future.
TF38: USS Equinox
Where sims often pursue tactical or diplomatic missions, this one stands out based on its bend towards sociology and anthropology. It has written a rather interesting plotline this month.
TF72: Deep Space K-17
Deep Space K-17 has only 4 active writers at this time, they are still moving along with a plot that will become the backbone of the Task Force.
TF93: Deep Space 14
Following the server host problems they lost a month of value data when transferring towards the new hosting. They kept their spirits up and the Captain kept the crew morale up and calm.
TF99: USS Tyr
Though relatively new this sim has continued to keep high post counts and a great activity level.

Player of the Month:
TF9: Lieutenant Commander Leland Rogers (USS Scorpio)
Has hit the ground running and producing enjoyable story to read and a very strong commitment to the RP.
TF38: No nomination this month.
TF72: Lt. Commander Chris Dynehart, (USS Nomad)
Has really stepped up and done some banners for my simm and even created the recruitment posters for Task Force 72. – TFXO Comment
TF93: Cmdr t’Lehu [Kosjenka]
Final example of an XO; has gone above and beyond in spite of initially not wanting to be XO. She has done this all while being an XO on another sim as well.
TF99: Captain Philip Lovell [greenfelt22]
He was nominated for his writing contributions and his work in both 99 and the fleet as a whole. He is a shining example of what the group as a whole should strive to be like.

Bravo Fleet Sim of the Month: USS Equinox
The Equinox has a rather interesting plotline running and with consideration of different mission types that sets this game out as a pioneer for recognition of these accomplishments. It is with great honor that we bestow the first fleet level SotM to the Equinox.
BFA Sim of the Month: Starbase 400
The HoH Committee has selected SB400 to be the first sim to be given the new BFASotM Award. This sim and its CO have always gone above and beyond. With over 20 players it is by far one of the most active sims in the entire organization earning it high marks when it comes to consideration for this award. Thank you for your service and for keeping the ball rolling guys!

Congrats to this month’s winners!