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May 2016 Monthly Awards

June 25, 2016

Simulations of the Month

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following simulations on being awarded the Simulation of the Month award for May 2016. The Simulation of the Month (of a Task Force) is awarded to a simulation for its contribution to the Task Force canon, activity, quality, number of players and others.

Task Force 9 Simulation of the Month: USS Valcour, Sentinel Group

The Valcour has shown itself as an impressive new addition to the Task Force. Whereas it started off slow they have made more than up for it putting out a very healthy posting pace and displaying a great professionalism. The ship is set to achieve great things if they continue their current pace and I am glad to have it be a part of Task Force 9(TFCO nomination)
Task Force 38 Simulation of the Month: USS Equinox, Command Group
This sim has been active for so little time frame but still has one of the best posting rates and overall they have the strongest writers who all work well together. I have never seen a sim that could work this well together this quickly.
Task Force 72 Simulation of the Month: Deep Space 7, Command Group
(Task Force Executive Officer Nomination) Task Force 72 is proud to nominate Deep Space 7 for this award this month. They have been working so hard to get to where they are, and they have really made an effort this month. I have heard all the time from Leam how hard it has been to keep Deep Space 7 going as an active simulation with people not wanting to post, or people joining and then going AWOL, he has really made an effort to be there for the crew, to be there for the simulation, and all while running an entire Task Force. Most other Task Force HQ’s are fiction-based, allowing the Task Force Commanding Officer the time to focus on the Task Force and write when they can, but Leam didn’t want that, he wanted writers to be involved in the Task Force storyline from the very beginning, the start of it all, the epicentre of the Task Force, and I think Deep Space 7 is just that and they are doing so well and I know they will keep on getting better and better.
Task Force 93 Simulation of the Month: IRV Imperiax, Astraeus Group
(nominated by USS Tornado): Being a member of the ship itself, I nominate IRV Imperiax for their large contribution of the Romulan Star Empire side of the story. JP is doing a great job of telling us that story!
Task Force 99 Simulation of the Month: Endeavour, NX-06, NX Division
I am choosing to nominate the Endeavour for Sim of the Month, they are active and have a great storyline going. They have a great group of writers that help bring this sim together, be able to write stories that are interesting to read. The Endeavour has a long history, and dedication of the Commanding Officer over the past several years. Keep it up! Continue to write those great stories that are interesting to read.

Players of the Month

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following players on being awarded the Player of the Month award for May 2016. The Player of the Month (of a Task Force) has shown superior roleplaying ability for the past month.
Task Force 9 Player of the Month: Lieutenant Camila di Pasquale, USS Black Hawk
Lieutenant Camila di Pasquale of the USS Black Hawk (in the words of her own CO) “I nominate BJ who plays Lieutenant Di Pasquale. She’s been a part of the Black Hawk crew for the last few months and has stuck with us in spite of the rough waters any sim faces these days. When you read her writing, you can easily see why she deserves this award. Her characters come to life in every post and you quickly find yourself thinking you’ve known her characters all your life. She’s even done a lot to help develop the sim from an OOC role and is heavily involved in fleshing out the future of the Black Hawk.”
Task Force 38 Player of the Month: Lieutenant Archibald Harrington, USS Akagi
For helping to keep the storyline moving of USS Akagi.
Task Force 72 Player of the Month: Dr. Farkas Vanth D.V.M., M.D, USS Hope
Task Force 72 is proud to Dr. Farkas Vanth D.V.M., M.D. (Chief Medical Officer & Second Officer, USS Hope). I’ve seen over the last couple of months the hard work and dedication and effort that everyone on the USS Hope has been giving to get things moving. It can’t be easy for any simulation, let alone a speciality simulation like the USS Hope, but the fine Doctor, played by P.J. has really made an effort to get things moving. He has taken the lead in building ideas within missions and leading sub-plots, he has been there to support the other crewmembers and from what I have heard, never afraid to jump into a post with someone to get some writing done. As his Commanding Officer said; “this nomination is a long time coming. He is the only one who stayed when I took over the USS Hope. He has also worked hard to insure that the medical jargon is understood and how the alien virus works, to make some sort of logical sense to it all and he has done an amazing job with it all”
Task Force 93 Player of the Month: Sublieutenant Varuh tr’Krell, IRV Imperiax
My nomination for player of the month goes to Michael who plays Sublieutenant Varuh tr’Krell, my Leader of Singularity Control. He, as always, is one of the most active players on the Imperiax and you can just tell that he’s very enthusiastic about playing a Romulan character. He dedicates alot of time and effort into all of the writing he does and has even gone out of his way in previous months to try and liven up the ship’s crew by creating a multitude of NPCs. He also plays several other NPCs in other departments. I truly enjoy having him on my ship and he is a great asset.
Task Force 99 Player of the Month: Lieutenant Jonah Tyler, Endeavour, NX-06
(In his CO’s words)My nomination for player of the month goes to Coop who plays Lieutenant Junior Grade Jonah Taylor, Endeavour’s Chief Science Officer. Of the nine posts we did this month, he worked on six of them. As well as being a great writer, Coop is always enthusiastic to get involved in the mission and has created NPCs in other departments to help achieve this. I’ve commended him numerous times already but he really deserves it. He shows that he wants to write and role-play with the rest of us and he’s pretty good at it.