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Magistrate Update and Applications – 11/10/2020

November 11, 2020

Greetings, members of Bravo Fleet!


It is my great pleasure to provide you 3 updates today, after a quiet period from this office.


1 – Change to Operational Policy for the Offices of the Magistrate

Our very own Chief of Staff, Slagar, was first to point out upon his promotion to the Bravo Fleet Admiralty, his position on the Appeals Panel with the Magistrate Office could be seen as inappropriate. There was no operational policy in place for this kind of situation, as it was simply not something we’d thought of.

Ensuring a fair separation of the Office of the Magistrate from the rest of the BFA is critical to providing a fair, impartial judicial system for the entire Fleet, and one that I take very seriously.

Please see the changes to the Magistrate Code below (in bold), which were approved by a vote of the Bravo Fleet Admiralty, and will be updated on the website in the next few days:

  • An appeals panel will exist to examine all issues brought by appellants. The panel consists of three active members selected from non-BFA Bravo Fleet members, each with at least 1 year of membership in the fleet. Should a sitting member of the Appeals Panel be advanced to a BFA position during their term, they will be permitted to finish out their current term, or asked to resign at their or the Magistrate’s discretion. The Magistrate will have a brief application and investigation period to obtain members who wish to participate and will be positive additions to the panel. After the selections are made, the three panel members will serve non-consecutive six month terms. 
  • The Bravo Fleet Magistrate appoints to, and removes from, the Bravo Fleet Magistrate’s office members as they see fit to assist in the work of the court. Two Magistrate advisers: one serving as Investigator and the other serving as Defender, will be appointed by the Bravo Fleet Magistrate for one-year terms, from among the non-BFA membership of the Fleet.


2 – Awards

Our Appeals Panel’s six-month term is about to come to a close. Speaking personally, I cannot thank them enough for their service during this term. Their feedback, questions, and dialogue during this term’s single Magistrate Trial have been invaluable, and helped us really shore up the Magistrate Code.

Owing to their service: Jonileth, Leah, and Slagar are hereby awarded the Silver Palm award. Thank you, the three of you, for your help and your service to the Fleet.


3 – Open Applications

Owing to the above, the Appeals Panel will need three new members. Applications are now open. If you have an interest in helping out the Fleet in an out-of-character context, an interest in working with the Magistrate’s office, or would like to give back to the Fleet in some way, I encourage you to apply by clicking this link

I won’t beat around the bush: The Magistrate’s Office is boring until the moment it isn’t. The Appeals Panel, doubly so. This is by design, and it’s my sincere hope that the next six month term will be blissfully uneventful for all involved. Nonetheless, please do apply, or reach out to me if you have any questions about the nature of the position, or its expectations.


Live Long and Prosper,