Logistic Office Report #4

March 14, 2025

Hello Bravo Fleet!

Now that BFMS version 3.5 has been released, I am happy to announce to you all the updates to the Logistic Office Policy that it has affected.

Portrait Frames

Our first set of frames will be uploaded soon for you all to preview and decide if you fancy personalising your BFMS profile picture. There is a range of frames, including standard ones, themed ones and special ones awarded by the Logistic Officer. Watch the Marketplace for these, and more to come soon!

Flag Officer Slots

For our members who hold a flag officer rank, you are able to purchase additional flag officer slots for your characters. The cost for additional Flag Officer Slots will be:

  • Commodore: ¤1000
  • Rear Admiral: ¤2000
  • Vice Admiral: ¤3000
  • Admiral: ¤4000
  • Fleet Admiral: ¤5000

Refund and other Policy Updates

I am happy to announce that we are changing our refund value from 50% to 75%. This means you will earn back 25% more of your refunds. Furthermore, our Logistic Policy has been updated to include further clarity for those members who enter the reserve and wish to return to active status quickly.


As mentioned in my last announcement, there are many projects on the horizon for members to use their prestige on. We hope you enjoy these ones, and be prepared for more to come! We hope you enjoy what has been shared today!