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January 2016 Players of the Month

February 19, 2016

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following players on being awarded the Player of the Month award for January 2016. The Player of the Month (of a Task Force) has shown superior roleplaying ability for the past month. They are nominated by their respective CO upon which the award is issued on behalf of the TFCO by the Hall of Honour, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simmers in our community on being named January 2016 Players of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki.

Task Force 9 Player of the Month – Lieutenant JG Martha Cusack, USS Nogura
James aka Lieutenant JG Martha Cusack, USS Nogura. James has in the past month shown himself a great poster, being responsible with another player for the large majority of posts made on the sim in the past month. His characters are well developed and his stories a pleasure to read.

Task Force 38 Player of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Player of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 93 Player of the Month – Lieutenant Commander Tyller Fallon, USS Ajax
Fallon, who plays Lt. Cdr. Tyller Fallon (USS Ajax) and Lt. Col. Adam Stone (Kovar Station), is an active posted and plays a key role in the stories of both sims. According to Leah, “he has been a huge help to me keeping Kovar Station (and Camp Kovar) going.”

Task Force 99 Player of the Month – Major Glenn Walker, NX-06 Endeavour
From the Endeavor’s CO: For January I am nominating Steve who plays two characters on Endeavour. Major Glenn Walker, and Doctor Louise Rigby. He’s been really active in this mission with both characters and he’s just really demonstrating how much he loves the era that we’re playing in. He’s one of my top men in the sim.