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Internet Office: August Report

August 6, 2020

Hello Bravo Fleet, I hope you are all having a great Star Trek: Lower Decks premier day. 

New Developments

As Emily hinted a few weeks ago when I was elected Internet Officer, we have been hard at work some exciting special projects. The project I want to discuss in this report, though rumor has already abounded, is that we are well underway in developing a new Bravo Fleet Website. As many of you know, we refer to the software that runs our current website as Bravo Fleet Management System (BFMS), and while the new version will be considered 2.0, it is a total re-write. The new BFMS will be a bleeding-edge modern design with full mobile support. Though I cannot dive too much into the expected features, I can now share a few. We plan to support even more robust security, including 2-factor authentication and possibly third-party logins such as Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. So you won’t have to keep up with yet another password. Furthermore, we will introduce automatic reporting for writing posts and fiction, ending the need for manual activity reporting. The last feature I want to touch on is BFMS 2.0 will include the ability for integrated writing of posts and fiction.

Now, I can’t go into more detail at this time, but rest assured more information will be forthcoming over the next several weeks.

Department Positions

The Internet Office (IO) has several staff positions due to its broad coverage of technology withing the Fleet. The Internet Officer encompasses not only the Bravo Fleet Website but also the web hosting for our Games (Sims). Which includes support for the game’s initial Nova deployment, configuring requested mods, email setup, theme configuration, and graphics assistance. Speaking of graphics assistance, the IO heads the Graphics Ream for Bravo Fleet as well. The Graphics Team assists with avatar requests, site banners, fleet maps, etc. Though fleet maps fall under the purview of the Bravo Fleet Cartographer exclusively.

As many of you know, Kyle has been making all of the beautiful maps for the task forces as they build their respective canon. As such, I am beyond elated to name Kyle as the official Cartographer for Bravo Fleet. We truly could not be luckier. Unfortunately for him, that probably means even more map requests in his future.

The IO also has several open positions I would like to announce.

Command Adjunct, Internet Office: The Command Adjutant, Internet Office, is responsible for assisting the Bravo Fleet Internet Officer (BFIO) in the day-to-day operations of the Internet Office. Including managing the WordPress-based Bravo Fleet Management System (BFMS), the Nova based Game Hostings, and the Fleet’s MediaWiki Infobase.

Commander Adjunct, Graphis Department: The Command Adjunct, Graphics Department, is responsible for managing the Internet Office’s Graphics Department. They oversee the graphics team in fulfilling graphics requests for avatar manipulations, plaques, patches, and more.

Software Developer: Members of Bravo Fleet’s Software Team are responsible for exploring, testing, and implementing new technologies for Bravo Fleet. The Software Team is currently developing Bravo Fleet’s new Fleet Management System (FMS) based on the Laravel framework.

Nova Specialist: Nova Specialists assist Game Masters in building their Nova-based games. Specialists help install Nova, troubleshoot problems, and even modify skins/themes for our games.

Graphics Designer: Members of the Internet Office’s Graphics Department are responsible for helping our community create graphics for their games and stories. They fulfill graphics ranging from avatar manipulations and mission banners to plaques and patches.

If you would like to apply for any of these positions, please reach out to me on Discord at reecesavage#5580 or email me at

Bravo Fleet Hosting Statistics

Considering that the Internet Office is responsible for maintaining our server infrastructure, I wanted to provide you with some statistics. The Fleet is currently hosting around fifty separate websites, processing more than eleven thousand emails monthly, utilizing more than sixty-four gigabytes of storage, and consuming more than twenty-two gigabytes of bandwidth per month. We provide these services free of charge because we are committed to having a unified and centralized fleet presence. Of course, these services aren’t without cost, we have annual and monthly reoccurring infrastructure costs, and while we will continue to provide these services at no cost, we would not be able to do so without the support of our donors. If you wish to become a monthly or one-time donor, please visit