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Gaming Survey Results

July 15, 2021

Hello All,

It’s been a minute since you have last heard from me. I have been extremely busy, but I have finally got to sift through the responses for the Gaming Survey, which I want to thank you for taking the time and giving us your thoughts on what you think of the Gaming Office and the options you might like to see. I feel the best way to show you the answers is to share the many opinions of everyone in the group.

I am going to be expanding on the information after the images so we can continue to serve the Fleet better in the options we continue to try and expand into.

The majority rules for who is part of the Gaming Aspect, as to the people that said no if there is a specific reason you are not a part we would like to know for the sake of trying to make sure everyone in the community has a chance to partake in what we do. If you don’t want to be apart that is ok too.

From the information shown the majority of our Gaming members play STO; however with Gaming Guy’s recent vamp of WoW gives you the opportunity to grab some shiny ribbons playing WoW. We know it is not for everyone, but if you have any questions regarding WoW please let us know!

Even though half of the responses voted yes to this there are still some that may be unsure. This survey was not only to gauge what people thought but for us to make sure you know to contact us in regards to any concerns or questions. The Gaming Office tries to always have the Open Door Policy so please message either Myself or Gaming Guy regarding any Gaming questions or concerns you may have.

This is the biggest issue for any gaming events as we all live in multiple different timezones trying to make an event inclusive for everyone can be the hardest challenge, but we will be trying to make sure and consider these times to see what works best for everyone, as we want to make sure everyone has the chance to participate in any events we hold.

We would like anyone who said no to contact us and let us know why you don’t want to expand into anything more. We understand not everyone wants to try to expand and that’s ok, but we would like to know the reasoning.

There are a lot of diverse answers here and though we may not be able to look into all of these we will continue to gauge interest. There has been a lot of pushing for STO on consoles, which can only be achieved when we have a group that is willing to be apart. The biggest issue is the fact that the console does not merge with PC so playing with other members that have the game on the console is not possible. The biggest downside for people to get it on PC is usually the requirements, which as we joke you could run the game on a potato it is not difficult to run, but if you have an IMac or Apple computer you cannot play the game, due to Arc discontinuing support in the game. We will continue to determine the possibility of the fleet expanding to console.

Ahh, Party Games! One of the most enjoyable things to do with big groups. It looks as though people are open to these games. I personally have quite a few of the Jackbox packs, which means no one would need to purchase. Jackbox uses an online site so you can join any games that one person host so it would be absolutely free for anyone to join and play along in the game! Among Us is a pretty cheap game and is extremely fun with a group of people! The game is pretty easy if you haven’t seen it I would recommend checking out someone playing it on YouTube! We will continue to plan game nights for Among Us and possibly other things if the interest arises.

The biggest issue I see here is the mention of VR. Star Trek Bridge Crew changed the option of playing the game with VR or Keyboard and Mouse. The game is actually optimized for keyboard and mouse better than you would expect. Bridge Crew is a fun game as you play as a group of four people on the bridge of Star Trek ship bridges including the famous Enterprise-D (if you get the DLC) if not you can still have tons of fun in the game! If you would want more information just let us know! As to other games if anyone has suggestions please let us know!

Thank you for the suggestion of making a list of games for approval that will be discussed and looked into. SWTOR is a heavily played MMO, but not everyone is keen on the game. It is free to play and fun in its own respect; however, it would depend on the interest of others.  We will consider all suggestions though it may take some time as we decide what to do with all the information being provided.

We do appreciate the honestly of the members of the fleet. Whoever said no please let Me or Gaming Guy know why you do not like the options provided or what you may suggest so we can better try and include you in the events we host.

Please let us know why you feel the Gaming Office is not helpful, we have tried to make sure everyone can voice their opinions and we can weigh in the suggestions. We try our best to make sure that any questions you have are answered to the best of our ability.

Again we appreciate the time you took to fill out this survey we hope from the information we can better the Gaming aspect of BF and make sure were can include everyone in the scope of Gaming. Our main job is to make sure you can have fun and a chill environment to play games, but also give you the ability to earn some ribbons to help you in your endeavors of BF.

If you need anything please let the Gaming Office know!

Contact Us on Discord with any questions or concerns!

Flying Gremlin – BF Gaming Officer

DarthCrusader – BF Deputy Gaming Officer