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December 2015 Players of the Month

January 20, 2016

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following players on being awarded the Player of the Month award for December 2015. The Player of the Month (of a Task Force) has shown superior roleplaying ability for the past month. They are nominated by their respective CO upon which the award is issued on behalf of the TFCO by the Hall of Honour, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simmers in our community on being named December 2015 Players of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki.

Task Force 9 Player of the Month – Lieutenant Edward Carmichael, USS Scorpio (TFCO Nomination)
Ezra a.k.a. Lieutenant Edward Carmichael, USS Scorpio, is one of the most recent additions to the Scorpio but in his short time he has shown himself to be an excellent writer with a great attitude and who consistently puts out excellent writing.

Task Force 38 Player of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Player of the Month – Lieutenant Nicole “Nikki” Redex, Deep Space 7
I am nominating Lieutenant Nicole “Nikki” Redex, Chief of Emergency from Deep Space 7 for this award. In the last month, with most simulations slowing down for the holidays; I have personally seen Candy work even harder to make sure that her character is known to everyone. The simulation has really been made a lot different because of her presence.

Task Force 93 Player of the Month – Petty Officer 3rd Class Lumo Elnora, USS Venture
James, also known as Petty Officer 3rd Class Lumo Elnora, was nominated by the USS Venture’s Commanding Officer for “helping to improve the site and decrease confusion.” With the Venture’s story receiving praise from others in the Task Force, it is only fitting that we recognize James for proactively seeking out and helping address OOC needs aboard the venture.

Task Force 99 Player of the Month – Chief Petty Officer Monika Boyan, USS Delphinus
TF99’s Player of the Month award goes to Larry (CPO Boyan). Ever since joining the Delphinus, Larry has jumped right in and found many opportunities to contribute. The sim’s CO loves that he, as Chief Helmsman which is an oft-overlooked position, has brought his character to life in a very unique way.