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BFMS Fleet-wide Open Positions List & Character Updates

May 30, 2017

Whether you’ve just stumbled across Bravo Fleet or you’re a seasoned veteran, finding that perfect sim to join can prove difficult. You know what position you want to play, and you may even have a preference towards a theatre or ship class, but how do you find that perfect sim that satisfies your interests? In the past, you’ve probably dug through the task force listings, opening up each sim site and going to their manifest, but there’s now an easier way to get started with your search!

A collaboration between the Internet Office and the Community Relations Office, we have now launched a Fleet-wide Open Positions List:

Through the Bravo Fleet Management Systems, each sim’s CO can now specify the top 10 open positions on their manifest:

In addition to all “Standard” positions showing on the Fleet-wide Open Positions List, all positions (both “Standard” and “Custom”) listed by the sim CO also now show up on their BFMS sim details page:

We’ve also made a couple other changes to improve the new character workflow:

  • When someone submits a character for a sim via BFMS, the CO will now receive an email. This should prevent issues where someone creates their character through BFMS but, since not all COs check BFMS frequently, it falls through the cracks.
  • When someone applies to an open position via BFMS, the character creation page now pre-fills your sim, that it’s a new application, and what position the person is applying for. This is the first of several steps we’re taking to try to make the application-via-BFMS a more reasonable approach.