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August Monthly Awards

September 17, 2017

The 3rd Quarter is nearly complete with August now behind us. Here now are the Fleet’s winners for Player and Sim of the Month!

Player of the Month
 TF9 – Lt. JG Yusei Makimura, USS Jericho
Yusei has proven to be a reliable player and to be of great help to the Captain and crew.

 TF38 – No Nominee.

 TF72 – Lt. Cmdr. Owen Nash, USS Pandora
Owen has stepped up to an active leadership role with the simm, and has done so with enthusiasm and professionalist.

 TF93 – Lt. Karna Zsan, SFI Delphi
Karna is most certainly not making any friends being himself but he is, however, bringing out unknown depths, good and bad in others and is just darn fun to read the chaos he creates around everyone.

 TF99 – Ens. Vincent Turner, USS Cavalry
Vincent, the sim’s OOC AGM, is not afraid to take on something, put his thoughts and ideas on the line, and has done so while earning the respect of the crew.

Sim of the Month
 TF9 – USS Altai
The Altai has hit the ground running, launching an excellent and compelling story written by excellent writers and a capable Commander.

 TF38 – No Nominee.

 TF72 – USS Nomad
The Nomad has really been moving along with their sub-plots and even working on a new race for the task force.

 TF93 – USS Redguard
In a dominantly Nova fleet, the Redguard has truly set it apart with its use of BFMS, Discord, and other services normally unused in our simming environments.

 TF99 – USS Cavalry
They’ve updated their site to something very much out of the norm, and they’ve got a fine group of writers churning out some excellent stories!

Bravo Fleet Sim of the Month

USS Redguard

Congratulations to all of the winners!