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August 2016 Monthly Awards

September 20, 2016

Wow! August was an incredible month! We at the Hall of Honour, in conjunction with every Task Force Commanding Officer, are please to announce the following winners.

Players of the Month

Task Force 9
Lieutenant Joey Corwin (Assistant Chief of Security, USS Black Hawk)

Since joining, Lieutenant Corwin has been an incredible joy to write with. She isn’t one to shy away from a JP from anyone, nor is she one to shy away from danger. Every post she touches magically turns into an awesome contribution to the narrative of the USS Black Hawk.

Task Force 38
Lieutenant Cassandra Sanders (Chief Counselor, USS Victory-A)
She consistently posts great posts that provide an awesome diversion from the action posts of the simulation and engross you from start to finish.

Task Force 72
No nomination this month

Task Force 93
Lieutenant Ibrim Daka (Chief Engineer, SS Star of India)
Lt. Ibrim Dakar was nominated for his exceptionally talented writing skills, taking on a Cardassian character with such style and determination. He does the character and this species due justice in his writing. If his writing alone were not enough to deserve this award, then his stepping up to take on researching and developing Specs for the SS Star of India is the icing on the cake.

Task Force 99
Lieutenant Martha Cusack (Chief Tactical Officer, USS Triumphant)
He has jumped in from the word go with both his PC and NPC characters in a variety of posts and is encouraging others.

Simulations of the Month

Task Force 9
USS Jericho
The Jericho has been a main staple of Task Force 9 for several years now. Sticking with a Task Force that has undergone multiple changes speaks pretty loudly for dedication and hard work. Though she may not be putting posts like a power house, the Jericho is under good command and has solid grounding in TF9, not to mention the wonderful universe they are exploring.

Task Force 38
USS Hammersley
The Hammersley receives this honor for a second month in a row. Her crew are not only very active, but they consistenly produce coherent and engaging stories for all to read.

Task Force 72
Starbase 218
This has been their first month in Bravo Fleet, and already they are showing that it was a good decision to welcome them into the fleet. Between a unique site and skin, and an impressive storyline, this fledgling crew are already making a mark for themselves in the fleet.

Task Force 93
SS Star of India
This simulation is taking a unique approach to the world of Star Trek, one exploring merchant marines and telling wonderful and thoughtful stories of areas never before explored.

Task Force 99
USS Triumphant
From the short time they have been in Task Force 99 and Bravo Fleet, the USS Triumphant and her crew have been active both posting and getting new members. She currently has a good story in progress and has been a very interesting read thus far.


Congratulations to each of our winners. We look forward to the next month to showcase more amazing talent from the fleet!