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August 2015 Simulations of the Month

September 23, 2015

The Hall of Honours team is proud to congratulate the following simulations on being awarded the Simulation of the Month award for August 2015. The Simulation of the Month (of a Task Force) is awarded to a simulation for its contribution to the Task Force canon, activity, quality, number of players and others. All simulations in a Task Force are automatically considered for this award however nominations are sought from fellow CO’s. It is awarded by the Hall of Honour on behalf of the TFCO, so it is important that you get your nominations in each month. Can we all please congratulate these fine simulations in our community on being named August 2015 Simulations of the Month. Your awards will shortly be confirmed to you all on the Bravo Fleet Wiki and we will look into doing some nice banners to allow you to show off your award.

Congratulations can be offered to those simulations at RSB.

Task Force 9 Simulation of the Month – USS Triton
The USS Triton was not a fast grower. Its first few months were a struggle however it has more than excelled and defied expectations. Right now it is one of the most active sims in the fleet which constantly pumps out compelling and good story.

Task Force 38 Simulation of the Month – No Nomination

Task Force 72 Simulation of the Month – USS Hope (TFCO Nomination)
I am nominating the USS Hope for this award this month, again, they might not be the best or the most active simulation, but it is not always about activity, it is about how the crew works together and from what I have seen over the last few months; the USS Hope has done that. They haven’t had the best run with players, but they have kept a core group of writers and I know that they are working together to build the USS Hope up to bigger and better things. It is not helpful to have the Executive Officer on leave at the moment, but they are all working away and deserve this nomination.

Task Force 93 Simulation of the Month – USS Tornado, Astraeus Group
Task Force 93 awards the USS Tornado with the Sim of the Month award. After joining the Task Force just this month, the sim has already beat everyone else in the Task Force, posting wise. They’ve impressed me, Shelley, and other COs, plus they’ve made a fine example to the rest of the Task Force, and even the rest of the fleet.

Task Force 99 Simulation of the Month – USS Delphinus, Exploratory Division
I award the Task Force 99 Simm of the Month to the USS Delphinus a TMP – era game, that has maintained activity while operating during one of least popular times of Star Trek.