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As Times Goes By… A Fleet Wide Event!

July 28, 2020

We are happy to announce to our community the next Fleet-Wide Event!

Due to the success of The Raptor’s Wings event, we have put together another set of competitions and challenges for everyone to get stuck into over the month of August (and slightly going into September too). This event is called, As Times Goes By… and is set to challenge and excite everyone.

So what should you expect? Well a great range of competitions to engage the entire Bravo Fleet community in developing the fleet’s historical cannon. With the upcoming release of the Star Trek: Strange New Worlds,  the third season of Star Trek: Discovery and Star Trek: Lower Decks, – this will give everyone an opportunity to try something different but still doing the same fun things. The whole event will be covered in three phases. They are:

  • Phase 1: “Tomorrow Is Yesterday”
  • Phase 2: “Time’s Arrow”
  • Phase 3: “Past Tense”

Phases 1 and 2 will have five competitions and Phase 3 will finish with 6.

There will be a range of writing (fiction and non-fiction), graphics, puzzles and games to enter. So we hope there is plenty for everyone to try out!

Each competition will include first, second and third places as well.