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Apr Monthly Awards and Quarter 1 Awards for 2017

May 18, 2017

Welcome to the awards for April 2017. We also are announcing the Quarter 1 awards. Soon I will also be working with the Logistics Office staff to provide a survey to members of the fleet for input on the upcoming potential changes to the awards program. Please keep an eye out for that to help shape the future of this program. The OOC awards for this period will be released on or around June 1. Please also be sure to check out the Player Experience Workgroup for the Awards Program Report which I have posted for this month. Upon advice from members of the community we have resumed listing reasons for winners of the sim of the month. Thank you for your feedback!

Sim of the Quarter (Quarter 1 2017)
USS Black Hawk, Task Force 9

Player of the Quarter (Quarter 1 2017)
Ensign Cailus Griffin, USS Pandora, Task Force 72

Congratulations to the Quarter 1 winners!

Sim of the Month
TF9: USS Black Hawk
Really enjoyed their writing during what’s been a really active month for the sim.Can’t wait to see more of their adventures aboard their new starship over the months and years to come.
TF38: USS Akagi
Interesting and exciting current mission that’s picked up some real steam this month.
TF72: USS Nomad
Since their arrival they gone active quickly and have been extremely active. They are very well deserving of the Sim of the Month.
TF93: USS Southern Cross
They are a significant boon to the TF and should be recognized for their hard and high quality work.
TF99: USS Delphinus
New to TF99, but this sim became active quickly and has been doing really well. They’re having fun on the Delphinus!

Player of the Month
TF9: Lieutenant James Myers (USS Jericho) – Kaylee
From their CO: She is such a pleasure to have on my simm and is always more than eager to take part in the storyline, as well as sub-plots of her own.
TF38: Lt. Kyra Blythe (USS Equinox)
I will quote Bahrat’s nomination of her: “Kyra, has been a writer who has been with us since the Equinox’s infancy. She has always brought her ‘A Game’ and presents a well-developed, compelling and creative character. One that has truly become a stable in our story. Her writing is stellar and she adds a level of depth to all our stories that can only be made possible by her creative input. We are lucky to have her.”
TF72: Lt. David Mattis
From their CO: “Since joining he has jumped into the story and has made an impression on me and his ability to be able to just jump in and get going. Posts have been very interesting especially between his character and my Secondary PC Character.”
TF93: Lieutenant Chelsea McDanielson (Sarah)
From their CO: Few players are capable of writing a character that behaves outside of the players’ own personality and, fewer still are players’ able to write their character with one personality and an NPC with the polar opposite personality. Sarah has managed to do both by writing her primary character as an arrogant engineer that is hard to get along with and, an NPC that is calm and gentle hearted. And, she does it very well I look forward to continuing to see her work on these characters!
TF99:Major Aidan Thornton (DFS Lavie) – Tugar 
TFCO Message: Task Force 99 Player of the Month goes to the XO of the DFS Lavie, Major Aidan Thornton. As he’s known in RSB and Discord, Tugar is a top shelf guy. He keeps the players accountable, keeps the game active, and has been writing almost nightly. Per the Sim CO, “I am glad to have him as my XO”. Tugar is a long time BF member and really deserves this award.

With this on behalf of the Hall of Honour and Bravo Fleet Logistics Office congratulations to all of those above. You guys deserve it!

I also wanted to take a quick moment to remind everyone that the only way this process can be made better is through your suggestions, participation in the process and nominations. If you have the time submit nominations for your fellow fleet members whom are deserving, volunteer to join the HoH Committee or just provide feedback on our processes… We do listen to you and are here to serve you.