Academy Report #8: Staff Update

September 18, 2024

With the oh-so-recent launch of the Competition Leadership Program, Bravo Fleet Academy has some additional news to share. Now that CLP is available, it’s time to start developing the next program to add to the academy roster. As you can imagine, new programs will lead to additional instruction and workshopping with our cadets. Most of our programs involve the practical application of new techniques being learned. It can be an iterative process for our cadets to consider the feedback offered by the Academy staff and apply it to their next assignment.

For this reason, we’re pleased to welcome Captain Zachary Murphy to the Academy team as a staff assistant. Also known as Heidi on the Discord, Captain Murphy previously supported our cadets with instruction and program design as part of the academy staff from December 2022 to December 2023. Murphy has also served as a Task Force Executive Officer and Commanding Officer, learning about all the activities Bravo Fleet members enjoy.

Please join me in congratulating Captain Murphy on joining the academy team!

Should anyone else have a passion for developing inquiring minds, you’re welcome to apply for academy staff positions too.  Ideally, our staff members would benefit from experience in Moodle or other learning management systems, experience in instructional design, or effective communicators who have a passion for mentoring and guiding eager learners. For those without instructional design experience, we’re looking for a demonstrated ability to offer inspiring and insightful feedback to others. If you’re interested in applying to the Academy staff, feel free to DM myself (Brendan). You can also fill out an application once we’ve chatted.