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A New Way to Bravo Fleet

October 28, 2019

Greetings one and all,

I’m sure many of you have seen me around the Discord chat by now, but I’ll let this serve as my official introduction. I’m Aaron, aka RAdm Peter Cromwell, and your new Bravo Fleet Internet Officer. I’ve got a lot of experience developing in PHP, CSS, and HTML, as well as designing Databases and all sorts of other fun stuff like that. I’m also and experienced graphic designer and front-end developer, which means I’m perfectly suited to handle the big project currently on my plate: BFMS v2.

I’m really excited to announce that a new Fleet Management system is in the works. We’ll be moving away from WordPress plugins and into a fully customized system, build from the ground up with fleet management in mind. I’d love to see comments on this article with regard to what your least favorite features of the current system are and any ideas for new features you’d like to see going forward. BFCO Nathan Pierce has a lot of really clear ideas in mind for Bravo Fleet that will not only give us a wider appeal, but will also set us apart from other fleets, and we’ll be building BFMS v2 with that in mind. Our goal is to provide streamlined, ease of access, so that everyone from the newest simmer to the seasoned veteran can do what they need to to manage their simming experience, without wasting time dealing with cumbersome interfaces or simply trying to find the right thing to click, which has plagued so many FMS systems over the years.

Right now, BFMS v2 is in the early planning stages. I’m figuring out MySQL DBs and working on the framework to build from. Our initial release, which we’re shooting for mid next year, will feature the basic toolset: Ship management, user management, character management, etc, plus a few little bonus features. Once that part is handled, however, we’ll be moving on to the more exciting features that we’ll talk about in coming months.

I hope that all of you are as excited about this as I am. If you’ve got web dev skills, especially if you’re familiar with the Laravel framework, then please reach out and let me know if you’re interested in helping with the development process.

Thanks to everyone for the great welcome, and huzzah for BFMS v2!