[WATB Phase 3]: On Screen


Your investigations have led you to a dormant Borg ship. It is not a type of vessel that Starfleet has ever seen before. It is not a cube, nor a sphere. What kind of Borg ship is on screen? Create an image of what you’re seeing on your viewscreen.


  • All types of images will be accepted, such as MS Paint, Photoshop, GIMP, scanned drawing, etc. so long as it is a visual.
  • 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners may be posted on social media.



User Content Date Entry
Keith Anderson (#1849)

Figured I'd leverage my Borg pyramid model for one more time haha

2023-12-10 05:31:36
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik (#2121)

I present the Borg Torus

2023-12-08 01:22:22
Sazra Kobahl (#2545)

Really bad at this, but the idea is that the computer is processing the information to form the Borg ship (its a probe, suppose to be one)

2023-12-04 19:09:36
Varen Wyll (#2419)

Background Image CC - https://images.nasa.gov/details/PIA18905
Curtosey of NASA/JPL-Caltech

2023-12-04 18:08:28
Edwin Wagner (#2468)

I used CANVA AI to create two base images - one a spaceship and another the space background. Both were recolored and revised to create an original work.

2023-12-04 17:08:27
Iskander al-Kwaritzmi (#569)

What's the opposite of a nanotube? Why, a tetratube.

This Borg megastructure (tetrastructure?) is inspired by buckytubes (ehr, carbon nanotubes), but with massive Borg spheres instead of carbon atoms!

2023-11-29 18:29:21
Azras Dex (#10)


2023-11-28 21:27:24
Theo Barrington (#2080)

Entry for On Screen

2023-11-28 20:42:18

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