Star Trek Day: Picard – Spot the Difference


To celebrate Star Trek Day, can you spot the differences between these two images on this Star Trek: Picard promotion poster? The original one is on the left. You may want to right click over the image and open the image in a new tab.


  • In the submission box list all eleven differences (E.g.: Riker's left eye).
  • The winner will be chosen as the person with the most identified differences.
  • Tie breakers will be decided on submission date/time.



User ID Content Date Entry
Andreus Kohl 2374

1. USS Titan’s extra nacelle
2. Raffi’s hair (bangs?)
3. Riker’s pips
4. Shaw’s combadge
5. Seven’s borg implant around her eye
6. Worf’s mekleth’s bottom prong
7. Geordi’s combadge
8. Enterprise-D’s nacelle
9. SS Eleos’ deflector dish
10. Vadic’s face scar

2023-09-15 20:13:50
Keith Anderson 1849

1. Third Nacelle on the Titan
2. 7s Eye implant is gone
3. Enterprise missing a Nacelle
4. Changeling is missing her scar
5. No Commbadge on Shaw
6. No Commbadge on LaForge
7. Front light missing from ship on the bottom
8. No Thumb on 7
9. No pips on Riker
10. Guard missing from Word's blade
11.Rafi's hair on the left hand side

2023-09-15 01:23:12
Cole Shepard 2754

Geordi's badge missing
7 of 9's eye piece missing
Passenger side nacelle on top left ship missing
Shaw's badge missing
Deflector shield on bottom left ship missing
Nacelle on Enterprise missing
Worf's sword missing small blade
Vadic's scar missing

2023-09-12 23:09:34
Noli Auru 18

Entry for BFMS ID:18 Kai1701E

Titan has a third nacelle
Enterprise D missing a nacelle
Riders pips missing
Seven’s Borg implant missing
Geordi’s commbadge missing
Vadic’s scar missing
Deflector missing on the Eleos
Seven has a missing thumb
Part of Rafi’s fringe missing
Shaw missing commbadge
Part of Worf’s sword missing.

2023-09-12 09:02:36
Aryanna Rigras 2486

1. Shaw's combadge
2. LaForge combadge
3. Enterprise D missing nacelle
4. Titan nacelle
5. Seven of nine both implant over right eye missing
6. Rafaella missing hair left side of face
7. Missing scar on Vadics face
8. Riker missing rank
9. Seven of nine missing thumb
10. Bottom of Worf’s sword missing
11. Missing deflector dish on the Eleos

2023-09-10 18:28:58
Complis Libran 2216

1) Seven's missing eyepiece (ocular implant)
2) Seven's missing thumb
3) Riker's missing rank pips
4) Shaw's missing commbadge
5) Raffi's missing lock of hair (her right)
6) Vadic's missing scar
7) Enterprise-D's missing starboard nacelle
8) Phoenix's missing deflector
9) Geordi's missing commbadge
10) Enterprise-G/Titan's extra dorsal warp nacelle
11) Different shape of Worf's kur'leth

2023-09-10 15:57:37
Alexandra Sudari-Kravchik 2121

1 Riker's pips
2 Titan's 3rd nacelle
3 Seven's eyepiece
4 Seven's thumb
5 Rafi's hair
6 Worf's sword
7 Eleos' deflector dish
8 Vadic's scars
9 Enterprise's nacelle is missing
10 Shaw's commbadge
11 Geordi's commbadge

2023-09-10 00:43:37
Alexandria Mitchell 2266

1. Face scar on Vadic's face is missing
2. LaForge comm badge
3. Shaw comm badge
4. Missing deflector dish on the small ship at the bottom next to LaForge
5. TNG Enterprise missing nacelle
6. Base of worf's sword missing extension off of hilt
7. Raffi's hair
8. 7 of 9's eye piece missing
9. Riker's pips missing
10. Ship under doctor crusher missing nacelle

2023-09-09 19:35:46
Jabir Tior 2717

picard spot the difference

2023-09-09 10:53:26 View Image
Callen Varro 2063

1. Shaw's Commbadge/Delta
2. Seven of Nine's Thumb
3. Titan's 3rd Nacelle
4. Handle/Lower Blade of Worf's Kur'leth
5. Vadek's cheeckbone Scar
6. S.S. Eleos Reflector Dish
7. Raffi's Right (from her view off course) Hair/ Curls
8. Geordi Laforge's Commbadge/Delta
9. USS Enterprise-D Nacelle
10. Riker's Pips
11. Seven of Nine's Ocular Implant / Left Brow

2023-09-09 06:55:23

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