Put a Face to a Name (Avatar Design)


Nothing rounds out a richly-developed character quite like a photorealistic avatar.This is an opportunity to flex your artistic skills and put a face to a name.

All entries will be judged based on the scoring criteria below. These include base scores for compositing, color, lighting, imagery effects, character features, composition complexity, and overall realism.

All submissions made for this competition must be created during the duration of this competition, and the submission must be used as a character’s avatar on BFMS to count for consideration.


Criteria Points Description
Compositing 1 to 6 Every composition of an actor within a scene starts with how one crops the actor’s headshot to apply it to the image. This score recognizes detailing within that crop, such as hair, neckline, foreground/background blending, etc.
Lighting 1 to 3 Lighting is a complex element of traditional photography, and it’s even more difficult when creating a composite of multiple photographs. A high score recognizes accurate and believable lighting between composited images.
Color 1 to 3 Color can make or break the believability of two composited images. A high score recognizes accurate color matching between the images.
Imagery Effects 0 to 2 The use of blurs, blooms, flares, noise, distortions, enhancements, etc. can take a well-composed image and carry it to the next level, but overdoing effects can distract from the piece. A high score recognizes effective use of effects on the image.
Character Features 0 to 2 Features of a character such as facial features that differ from the human, skin pigmentation changes, markings or scars, alteration to stature, etc. add the the difficulty of an image. These can be risky to undertake, so additional points will be awarded in compositions that successfully include such features.
Composition Complexity 0 to 2 While an avatar may simply be of a human character standing still looking directly forward, it might also include action, off angles, and even multiple subjects. Additional points will be awarded if such challenges are taken on successfully.
Overall Realism 1 to 6 These are not meant to be overly stylized avatars, but rather ones that look like accurate photos of Starfleet officers living within the current Bravo Fleet universe. A high score here is one where the overall composition is believably real Starfleet officer on duty in uniform.


  • Submission must be of a character wearing a Picard-era uniform and insignia in a clearly Star Trek location such as on the bridge of a ship.
  • Submission must include upload of the final image.
  • Submission must include links and credits to all images used in the composition.
  • Submission must include a link to the character on BFMS, and the submission must be the character's current avatar (note: for the purpose of the BFMS avatar, it may be scaled/cropped in relation to the submitted image).
  • Submission will be scored based on the Scoring guidelines provided for this competition.
  • Submission must have been created in full during the duration of the competition.



User ID Content Date Entry
Azras Dex 10


2023-07-20 06:15:26 View Image

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