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Second Contact – Landru


First Contact is the dream of so many Starfleet officers. The prestige, the recognition, the fame! Your name in a history book, or at least in a report back to command. But how often do those big name ships make contact, shake hands, take photos and then leave and only a few years later its as if they never visited in the first place? That’s were the Second Contact specialist come into play and do the real good work of the Federation. Sort out the mess of First Contact, hand out the primers on galactic affairs, shoo the Ferengi merchant away and remind folks to stop worshipping their sentient computers. Or psychic babies. Or volcano gods.

Look, it’s not glamourous work, but someone has got to do it. Now, we’ve had a bit of an issue in the archives and we’re struggling to remember who last dealt with the computer Landru. Would you believe the people of Beta III went back to worshipping that thing? Anyway, give us a hand will you and help put these bits and pieces together? Second Contact specialists after all deserve just as much recognition.

To get started, click here and submit your entry when you’re done.


  • Submissions must include a screenshot of the completed puzzle which should include the time taken to complete.
  • Entries will be graded by completeness and time taken to complete. Ties will be broken by date of submission.
  • The puzzle must be completed with all of the pieces (275 in total) and it can not be adjusted.


User ID Date Entry
Luke Duncan 1759 2023-03-12 15:22:12
Aris Suin 2583 2023-03-09 06:38:24
Aryanna Rigras 2486 2023-03-07 17:05:16
Tavek 2622 2023-03-07 05:12:07
Th'lora Vehl 2240 2023-03-07 01:51:17
Tia Dalia Savik 2220 2023-03-07 01:31:50
Leukar Nozadi 2639 2023-03-06 21:04:13

Competition Winners

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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