Star Trek or Bravo Fleet themed Haiku


This challenge is to write a Star Trek themed Haiku using the traditional Haiku Structure.

Traditional Haiku Structure. There are only three lines, totaling 17 syllables. The first line is 5 syllables. The second line is 7 syllables. The third line is 5 syllables like the first.

Top 3 will be selected by me based on following the Criterion.

Here’s my example.

furry spheres cooing
Klingons fearfully recoil
tribbles multiply



  • Must use the traditional Haiku structure.
  • One entry per person only.
  • Entries will be judged by myself and placed based on creativity and use of language
  • Must be Star Trek or Bravo Fleet themed. 



User ID Content Date Entry
Roger Allen 2443

Writing Trek stories,

where no one has gone before,

read them on Bravo.

2023-05-07 19:03:28
Jason Devron 2554

Bravo Fleet Starship
Brings across the Galaxy
Universal Hope

2022-09-26 23:18:16
Imaru 2559

White viles sustain us
First, it is the way of things
Victory is life

2022-09-26 21:48:35
Noli Auru 18

(5) Odo loves to hate
(7) Disgustingly sensual
(5) Ferengi Oomox.

2022-09-26 18:59:23
Gregorian Gregory Rook 2543

the federation
action adventure phasers
and utopia

2022-09-26 08:50:11

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Office of the Chief of Staff

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